Saturday 9/25
We began last Sunday morning with Team Cattle Penning . The weather was cool and crystal clear. Brodie Trenholm and his family annually host a number of penning competitions at Creek View Farm on the Mud Creek Road just outside Northport (NS), less than three miles from Coldspring . This was the last day of their 2021 season which had been interrupted several times by Covid shutdowns. Competitors run the gamut, men and women of all ages, shapes and sizes. Entry fees are $35 or $40 per person and the prizes can be substantial. The road and barnyard were lined with cars, trucks and a number of large horse trailers with living quarters attached. We've seen similar rigs used by Bar-B-Que competition teams or race car teams - obviously big investments - hauling grills and smokers or cars. I took a lot of photos; it being the first time in several years that I've used a real camera, i.e. not a cell phone, the results were not outstanding. We stayed for around ni...