2021 - MidWinter

This is a non-traveling update.

Since we returned to Green Valley, just after Christmas, our Casita has been resting quietly in it's winter storage facility. Several weeks ago we took it to a shop in Tucson to add, repair, or replace a few items in preparation for our spring - summer journey. At the moment it is a lot in Tucson awaiting a new AC unit. 

Maybe I should be using the feminine pronoun 'she' rather than 'it' since I think of the Casita as a land yacht. OK, I've made the change, from now on 'she' is a young female travel trailer.

Winter has been quiet. We've been practicing outdoor bubbling with a few friends and family (my brother and his wife) here in Green Valley but generally have been on our own. Melanie has been taking some Zoom fitness classes and I've been trying to walk and bike regularly; we've been following the political world via TV, reading a lot, and trying not to eat too much (with some success). We've had some cool days and nights, one spot of snow; now it feels like Spring is in the air with temps in the mid seventies to low eighties next week.

Current plans are to leave Green Valley on April 15th for New Orleans, stay in there for a month and then go to Dundee, FL for a few weeks before turning north. That trip will take us up the Appalachians, through Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, then into upstate New York and New England for the summer - unless the US-Canada border reopens, in which case we'll high tail it for Nova Scotia - at present we do not expect that to happen.

Along the way we plan to visit friends and family, see a few new sights and visit some old haunts. We've both had our vaccinations, the Casita will be ready, and in less than two months we'll be on the road again. I've already reserved a campsites in a Texas State Park.

We hope you all have been well through this most unusual period of our lives. We'll be updating the Blog down the road.

Charlie, Melanie & Casita


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