Now in New Orleans

I know I have been remiss, not posting soon after we arrived in New Orleans. Our last day on the road we did almost 400 miles, the most with the trailer so far. It was quite rainy with the expected increase in traffic as we moved through Houston and on into east Texas and Louisiana. Got in around 3pm and slowly started to unpack. Now, having been here for a week+, we are enjoying a) all the greenery after a winter of brown Arizona desert and b) the cool but spring like weather. We are slowly catching up with friends and family, have dined out once, and are working our way through a list of medical appts. Current plans are to head to Florida in early April and spend a few weeks in Dundee and environs. I don't plan to post about that trip. We'll be back in New Orleans for the rest of May and, if Melanie decides to get her cataracts taken care of, we'll be here through June before beginning a ramble, with trailer, toward New England. We'd love to hear from you, about yo...