Amherst Shore Aug 23 - 27

It's been quite a week, settling in and reconnecting. Some ways it seems we've never been away, others it's like we had a 'gap year' and missed a lot; things have changed - things are just like they've always been.

Monday we went in to Amherst, mostly busy work - both ordered new eyeglasses at Roy's, stopped by RBC to check on some credit card issues, get a new kitchen faucet, shop for groceries and household stuff, and pick up 10 lbs of blueberries on Rte 6 in Truemanville. Monday evening Melanie went to yoga class at the Tidnish Community Centre.

Tuesday we drove down to Pugwash, and along the way stopped by Arnold MacEwan's to check on our lawnmower and garden tiller which he had in his shop - since October 2019. All is well and we'll pick them up next week after getting Melanie's car inspected and my utility trailer licensed - both will take a bit of work in Ted Embry's shop beforehand. We also stopped by the liquor store and Co-op in Pugwash for a few more supplies/necessities, before driving home over several back roads.

Wednesday I took Melanie down to the Centre for her first Morning Fitness Class and paid our TCCA dues in person to Nancy Baxter. In the afternoon I went for my first swim on the beach in front of Vern Parrot's old place. The water was great and no jellies.

Thursday I played golf - 7:20 t-time, with Claude Vickery, Garth, and Hugh. Walked nine and had a 52 which I consider not too bad since I only played once in 2020 and once this Spring with Michael in GV. Then went grocery shopping (Superstore) and back to the Club to pick up the guys after they had finished 18. It was pretty hot and humid by 11:30. Back at The Shore I got to meet Claude and Florence's new retriever, still a pup at nine months but a lovely dog. Stopped by Jeanne's - she gave me a big load of cereals, fresh vedge, yoghurt, and other stuff that Loren and Peter had left and that she doesn't eat; also invited us to HFX for Thanksgiving. At 4:30 we drove back to the Atherton Cottage to see a lot more family plus a ton of Sweats next door. Went swimming on the bar with Don & Joan, a lovely clear warm day - the water was great and no jellies. Then sat out on the porch and talked with T, Judy, et al for an hour or so.

This morning, Friday, I wrote Clare and asked her if she had a count of all our relations a) all everywhere and b) that might be at the Shore. Then I took Melanie up to fitness class. She is going to visit Fran after and get a ride home. Hitched up our utility trailer to the Hyundai so all will be ready to take up to Ted's when he calls - probably Monday or Tuesday. 

And so it goes. It is great to be back here. We know so many more people, both friends and family, here than at any other place we've ever lived. I know we'd been sort of planning to sell Coldspring after the 2022 season but after being here just a week I want to keep coming back until I can't do it any more. At some point we may start flying up but until then we'll keep driving - that probably means as long as we are involved with the TBAG.


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