Birthday Week

Partly this past week seemed like waiting to leave New Orleans and head for the Canadian border, and partly it was actually doing some shopping and packing to get ready to leave. There was also the daily feast of watching the Olympics which doesn't feel quite the same without the crowds and non-olympic activities in and around Tokyo.  In addition to all that, Monday was my birthday #82 which we celebrated with lunch at the Maple St Cafe

Melanie is continuing her Zoom exercise classes on Mondays & Wednesdays and I've been pushing my walking, trying to get in my five miles at least three times a week. This week I pushed it a bit too hard, two days in a row, and have had to slow down the last few days.

We've also been trying to spend more time in local museums. Having visited the WW II Museum and the Museum of Modern Art we decided on Tuesday to see what the new Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience, which opened a few months ago, had to offer; it is a very nice, small, modern museum with a lot of family stories and items of local interest.

Thursday we again had breakfast with friends at Toast - this is becoming a weekly event - after which we went shopping for Chicory Coffee, various southern spices, etouffee and jambalaya mixes and the like, i.e. shopping to get ready to leave.

Friday morning we did four miles in Audubon Park and talked about long range plans: where to live (NS, NO, AZ)? How long we might continue to live in NS and how to plan for leaving? Do we really want to live in New Orleans after we sell Coldspring? And on and on. No definitive answers. Then in the afternoon Marty & Dale came by the house for a couple of hours.

Saturday morning Melanie got up early and made a Strata for dinner tonight (I know it's supposed to be a breakfast dish but it's really good any time) after which we walked up Carrollton Avenue to Palmer Park to see if the monthly open air fair was taking place. Apparently it is because a number of tents and sales booths were in the process of being set up. Walked back down Dante Street to the house. And now I'm back to watching the Olympics, women's beach volleyball at the moment.

Sunday AM walked 4+ miles  and my knee seems OK but I was careful not to push it. Better to walk slower than not be able to walk at all. Then out to a local waffle shop in Metairie for brunch with Marilyn Cohen, on to Michael's for some paper clay and home to watch more olympics - heavy rain storm now.


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