The End of August

Today, Saturday August 28th, we had a TBAG sale at the Tidnish Community Centre and in the evening a reading of Harry Thurston's new book. In the afternoon at 4:30 there was a memorial service on the beach with scattering of ashes for Amos Dixon. Sunday 10 to 4 the TBAG sale will continue  Weather has been spectacular, ir cooled down Friday night and the forecast looks good - Weather - Amherst Shore. Here's a shot of the sunset through our screen porch.

Saturday morning we took a stroll around the house, barn yard, and nearby fields - lot of work to do to get everything put away for the winter and ready for gardening in the spring. I'm going to get someone to mow the fields and maybe plow the garden though I may give it a shot with the tiller which I hope to bring home from Arnold Macewan's (Pugwash) next week, after we get the trailer licensed and the Hyundai inspected.

David McKillop stopped by Friday afternoon, had a nice chat over GnTs. His mother just had her 100th birthday and received a letter of recognition from the Queen. Melanie just baked an apple crisp using apples from our trees, it smells delicious, just waiting for it to cool down a bit...
And here is the same period from Melanie's point of view excerpted from an email to Patty:

I know Charlie has been writing about our "landfall" in Canada. He has been keeping me up to date on your latest plans; but at the moment it's a quiet [Sunday] morning and I thought I'd add a little.

Returning to Nova Scotia has been surreal;  I feel I know a lot about this place and the community and much is the same - but - we're returning after almost two years away. I knew we were jumping into an Exhibition and Sale for the Gallery. Yesterday, it happened - in a whirlwind I set up 100 pieces of pottery, had an opportunity to hear Harry Thurston read from his new book Lost River, went to Cathy and Harry's for a little social after we closed, and finally made it back home about 10:30. Some of it felt like an out of body experience -  and, in the midst of all of this, Charlie went to a memorial event on the beach at Chapman Settlement for Amos Dixon. His ashes were scattered on the beach and folks told "tales." Charlie said a lot of people came and he wished I'd been there since he didn't  know who most of them were by name - name recall not being one of his strong points (perhaps if people were #'s). But, as events unfolded, at the last minute I couldn't set up pottery for the Gallery and attend the beach event at the same time.

We are open today (Sunday Aug 29) from 11 until 4 at the Tidnish Community Centre, and look forward to a respectable turn out.  We've been invited to Merrin's for dinner with Jeannie, Merrin and perhaps Nancy Pettit.  Merrin and Jeanne are leaving in a week or so. And David McKillip dropped in on Friday - just taking his newly refurbished Mercedes for a ride in the country. Fortunately we had enough Gin and a can of left over tonic water from  from Jeanne for One drink.

We are keeping up with hurricane Ida heading toward New Orleans, and hope our tenants are o.k.
Congratulations, Patty on your decision to "retire" once again -  I'm certain it's not an easy one.  And hope you have plans for what you are going to....... I sent you an note from Next Door Neighbor
about two mini Dachshunds living in Quail Creek looking for a home.

We've heard that Beryl, David, Fran and Tony have plans to fly to GV the end of October. Haven't seen Joan and Paul (Joan is in Vancouver with her sister); Stan and Jill are hoping (with a big question mark) to return in January and we plan to see Phil and Suzanne on Wednesday, after their return from PEI they are coming for a meal, our first planned entertainment.

Today, Monday, I drove Melanie to her fitness class, came home to read the papers and watch the Ida news on the Weather Channel. It doesn't sound good, lots of power out and it's still too early to determine the damage that has been done. Today we're hoping to meet with Brody Trenholm about tilling and planting our fields next season, probably corn. And here's a closing shot of a moonrise taken from our back porch looking east between the shed and the barn.


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