12/31/21 Happy New Year
Reaching the end of 2021 we realize 'What a Long Strange Trip it's Been' this past year.
Rather than review the past year in prose, which this blog has done fairly regularly, we decided to post photos taken during the year.
Enjoy, and best wishes for a healthy happy 2022.
Charlie & Melanie
Yes, it does snow in Green Valley where we had a rather small 'garden.'
We got vaccination #2 in February, after lunch in Tucson....
Plus we saw Jesus Christ Superstar at Tulane and walked on a beach in VA,.
had an infestation of streetcars in NOLA,

A cattle penning competition in Northport, NS.
"Coldspring" on a fine autumn day.

and here's a sunset through an old apple tree.

Garth's soliloquy with a pint...
Tony celebrated another one The tide is out at Coldspring Head
Efforts at a lemon cake and a Key Lime pie. Morning at Bob & Judy's - Concord, MA
Cousins Ken & Dunc with Kim (Dunc's wife)
brunching in DC.
Thanksgiving dinner in Dundee (FL)
Sunrise over the Santa Rita Mountains east of Green Valley.
And after we'd left, Don & Clare took a 'self portrait'
over our newly plowed fields (Coldspring).
As the days dwindle down to a precious few we continue cooking, shopping, rearranging furniture, going to New Years Eve parties, planning our winter class schedule in Green Valley, corresponding with friends and family (of which you are one), etc., etc., etc.
By way of repetition, best wishes for a very happy new year. Hope to see you somewhere, sometime, along the way.
Charlie & Melanie
Charlie 203-244-7388 Melanie 504-670-9829
210 Rainbow Drive #11037
Livingston, TX 77399-2010
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