12/4 Dundee to NOLA

A sunday morning walk in Dundee, around Lake Menzie, and then back to the Park to edit and post last week's blog. Sunday was a day of rest though in the afternoon we did have a happy hour with Russ and Connie, then came home and grilled pork chops plus some smoked chops that Don and Joan had brought from Canada with them. We also had a few sips of a very nice Mondavi Cabernet which makes me think that having good wine and drinking less of it is definitely the way to go.

Monday was our longest day's drive with the Casita - covering 570 miles in eleven hours. Thanks to a very nice app, RV Parky, recommended to us by Don & Joan, we camped overnight at the Shepard State Park in Mississippi. Tuesday morning we got away fairly early, stopped at a large Rouse's market in Slidell to shop before arriving in New Orleans around 11:00 a.m.

Spent the afternoon unpacking the truck and trailer and got to bed early before undertaking errands Wednesday. Melanie had an exercise class after which we did a big food shop - we're now well stocked for the next couple of weeks. Otherwise a quiet day and early to bed. 

Thursday: we were still catching up - downloading financial statements, picking up prescriptions, doing paperwork and raking leaves - the live oaks are quite prolific. The weather has been fine, clear, warm, not a cloud in sight. Melanie has been working on our social schedule and it is beginning to fill in with lunches and dinners scheduled frequently through next week.

Friday: Out to Costco for a food shop - also looked at Chromebooks, TVs, and laptops. Back home, another four mile walk - I've found a route I like whithout much traffic so I can listen to "books on tape" which today means an audiobook on my phone while using a bluetooth headset - The Tattooist of Auschwitz. Walking every other day seems to allow time for my aches to dissipate. Quiet evening with a couple of old Whoopi Goldberg flicks. 

Saturday: Melanie bagged leaves, not all day but we did get several large bags filled, ready for pickup next Wednesday. At noon we went over to Billie and Jane's for lunch - salads from Martin's Wine Cellar - with lots of catching up on the family, Covid stories, and travel plans. On the way home we stopped by Rouse's for mangoes (3 for $1). Melanie has already started a batch of mango chutney.

This week saww the creation of my first loaf of 100% whole wheat sourdough bread - nothing but whole wheat flour and water. No salt, no sugar, no yeast. Beginning Friday morning I used a whole wheat sourdough starter which I have grown from the 'Hawes family starter' that Dunc gave me a couple of weeks ago. This loaf was baked Saturday morning. If you are interested in making some here is a link to the recipe I used, Experimental 100% whole wheat loaf, which I modified from the original, and if you are really interested I have several links I can share. The result was quite edible - tasty with butter and a bit of Nova Scotia honey. Probably nourishing as well - hope so since that was dinner.

Trust the past week has been good to you. I'll put this week to press and 'see you' next Sunday.


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