The End of August

Today, Saturday August 28th, we had a TBAG sale at the Tidnish Community Centre and in the evening a reading of Harry Thurston's new book. In the afternoon at 4:30 there was a memorial service on the beach with scattering of ashes for Amos Dixon. Sunday 10 to 4 the TBAG sale will continue Weather has been spectacular, ir cooled down Friday night and the forecast looks good - Weather - Amherst Shore . Here's a shot of the sunset through our screen porch. Saturday morning we took a stroll around the house, barn yard, and nearby fields - lot of work to do to get everything put away for the winter and ready for gardening in the spring. I'm going to get someone to mow the fields and maybe plow the garden though I may give it a shot with the tiller which I hope to bring home from Arnold Macewan's (Pugwash) next week, after we get the trailer licensed and the Hyundai inspected. David McKillop stopped by Friday afternoon, had a nice chat over GnTs. His mother just had her 100...